Friday 27 November 2009

P4:Create three output HCI’s to meet given specifications.

Design and create three output HCI’s to meet given specifications, using a variety of techniques (P4).

b) Display for new MP3 player (track number, track name, artist, album, length of song, album cover image.) Blue background, chose the colour of the text.

P3:Create three input HCI to meet given specifications.

Design and create three input HCI to meet given specifications, using a variety of techniques (P3).

a)Design and create the interface for a touch screen information booth to be used by Halifax tourist information service. The screen can show 16.5 million colours and is 1024 x 640 pixels in size.

b) Design and create a SMS on-screen keyboard. You have the maximum of 4 colours in your palette and it must fit inside the specified size of 300 x 300 pixels.

c) Design and create a media player on a PDA that allows for multiple track selection and play. The company will supply you with a template of a partly created media player. You need to re-design it so it allows for multiple track selection and creates a music list. You have 256 colours and a size of 700 pixels high by 400 pixels wide.

P2: Explain two fundamental principles of HCI design.

Understand the fundamental principles of interface design

By Ross Heppinstall
Unit 13

Explain two fundamental principles of HCI design. (P2)

• Perception
• Colour
• Luminance
• ‘Pop out’ effect
• Pattern
• Objects
• Geons and gross 3D shapes


• When you are creating and producing a software interface, you must take note that there are a lot of human factors that are known to be quite difficult to describe. If you have ever created and design a software interface then there is a high chance you have come across spongy requirements such as easy to use or pretty to look at. Although there's a whole different class you have to be careful of the way human perception works. The positive thing is that there are some tangible results from the fields of biology and psychology to draw from. One good feature of this class is that you cannot “re-learn” or “un-learn” the natural ways your perceptive system works. An example is you cannot unlearn to see colour. Colour perception is already hard wired into your brain and there is nothing you can do to stop it.


• Colour is a very important thing when it comes to creating and designing a human interface. If I was creating an interface I would definitely have colour because I wouldn’t like it without colour and I don’t think anyone else would either. Another reason why if you use colour you need to think about peoples needs. An example is that Microsoft word use grey as their predominant colour, blue for the title bar and for enhancing drop down lists and highlighting your text. If bright red or black was used it would be uncomfortable on for the eye. The trichromatic system is a system that uses a three colour combination and they are blue, red and green.

P1: Describe one impact od HCI in recent years.

Describe one impact of HCI in recent years on each :

SocietyEconomy Culture

Ross Heppinstall
Unit 13


• Social network sites for e.g. face book, msn messenger and bebo allow you to talk and keep in touch with your friends and family and allows you to meet new people. Mobile phones also help you to interact with your friends. EBay – EBay is used for people to buy and sell things over the internet.
• Satellite Navigation – Is a device that directs you to where you are wanting to go and it will take you to your destination also you don’t get lost.


• The impact of HCI in economy are applications, such as Microsoft word, games, online banking and applications on mobile phones. Microsoft packages are a big impact in the impact of interfacing, because Microsoft make packages such as word, publisher and paint to help and make our lives easier. People use different packages from Microsoft for their own needs for e.g. a business might use Microsoft PowerPoint to prepare a presentation to explain a certain topic to their clients or their work colleagues. People may use Microsoft publisher to create a letter or a leaflet for some specific reason. On Microsoft word there is some useful things you can use to help you with what your doing such as spell checker, grammar check and translations. So if you aren't a very good speller and you need to say type a letter or something you can just use spell checker.


• Translators are helping you to impact on human interfacing in culture, by allowing you to talk to people who speak a different language and therefore you are interfacing with people who speak a different language.

BTEC National Diploma ITP System Support

Ross Heppinstall
17 Yrs Old
Course Code: 8002
Unit 13 - Human Computer Interface